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vividreal | March 2, 2018

Joomla Blank Page Problem (White screen of death); Solutions That Work

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Is this ‘White screen of death’ giving you headaches? Relax, you have reached the right place.

The blank page you see is actually an error page where the error report is suppressed. We will give you proven techniques to solve this problem.

Before you start, take a complete backup of the site.(Just in case)

Before we move on, if you need any kind of help with web design and development, you should definitely reach out to us. Check out our team

Okay, we are now ready to go…


Step 1 – Finding the problem

Before fixing the problem, we need to know what the problem is. Follow the steps to get the error report.

Go to root folder via FTP or Control panel and edit configuration.php

Find public $error_reporting = ‘none’;

and change to public $error_reporting = maximum’;


You will get the error report on the blank page.


If that doesn’t work for you,

Go to index.php and add the following line.


error_reporting( E_ALL );

You will now have an error report on the blank screen.


Step 2 – Finding the solution

Fix 1

Go to plugins/system/remember/ and rename remember.php to _remember.php and refresh the website.

If that didn’t work, upload the previous backup file and refresh again.


Fix 2

Go to /public_html/plugins/user/joomla/ and rename joomla.php to  _joomla.php and refresh.

If that too doesn’t work, upload the previous backup file (joomla.php as well) and refresh again.

If all these methods failed, try the next one.


Fix 3

Go to configuration.php and edit public $cache_handler value as empty.



Hope these fixes worked for you. If not, use the comment box below to tell us your issue. We will try to help you out. 

As always, feel free to reach out to us if you need any help with web design and development. That’s all for now, cheers!

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