Why Should You Make Podcasts a Part Of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

21 May 2020 | vividreal
Why Should You Make Podcasts a Part Of Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

If you are a business owner,  you will be always behind diverse ideas to add to your marketing strategies. Content has always been a vital part of any marketing strategy. As technology advanced, the different forms of content expanded. Content marketing isn’t limited to blogging, it means creating more materials so that you can engage with your potential customers wherever they may be.

Podcasts are one of the oldest forms of content. Though its scope saw a dip in the past, this condition has been changing for the good recently.

It is an effective form of content and it certainly has followers for the same reason. It is one of the reasons why platforms like iTunes and Spotify are thriving with podcasts. People enjoy podcasts because of their flexibility in location as they can listen to it anywhere, anytime in a car or a train, or even while jogging, and so on. 

Companies who wish to gain loyal followers can build it gradually through a podcast series. You can use marketing podcasts and podcast ads. 

You can advertise your product/brand, educate people about the uses of your product, & influence people to make a purchase through podcasts. If you think you require any professional assistance for creating engaging content, we are happy to help you!

Here are a few great reasons why you should be including podcasts in your digital marketing strategy.

Podcasts are easily accessible

Listening to podcasts doesn’t demand much of a person’s time. People can be doing anything from cleaning their homes to working with discipline at their office. It doesn’t require a person to stop what he/she is doing to listen to a podcast. It is something that can be done while a person is already doing a job. 

People listen to podcasts because they are an easy-to-consume type of content. And that is the reason why they use platforms offering content. This is where companies can come in and do a bit of business (not directly, but indirectly). You can simply provide your message and make people aware of your business through the podcast or podcast ads. 

Also, platforms like iTunes automatically download the latest episodes for its listeners. Now, this ensures your content reaches your audience again without you even struggling to target (like advertising in the social media platforms).

Making a podcast doesn’t demand too much from you

However small your business/brand maybe, you can always count on podcasts for promoting your product. Podcasts can be created anywhere from a studio, offices, home, garages, or even streets. You can decide where you would do it depending on your marketing budget or more importantly based on your convenience!

Anyone to everyone who has a business can do podcasting since its software is so cheaply available. And not just that, you don’t always need a full-proof script before you start a podcast. People appreciate podcasts that sound more conversational rather than a serious or rigid one, people enjoy the bloopers while the host narrates. 

They’re powerful and engaging 

It is much easier to make a person buy a product if his/her favorite podcast host endorses it. People love and believe their host because of the relationship they have established over time through each podcast. 

There are different types of podcast ad categories, namely pre-roll, mid-roll, outro, and native ad. Pre-roll ads come before the podcast episode, Mid-roll ads occur in the middle, outro ads at the end. While outro ads are the best approach because the same host promotes your ad based on the script you provide them. This bridges the awkward gap between the podcast and the ad since the same person is still speaking.

Brand Awareness

Any marketing activity can progress only if your brand awareness initiatives are done right. Podcasts can tremendously help you in this step. You can give information about your brand and reach to the public through this. For example, if a winemaking company can use podcasts to discuss their flavors, food pairings, at-home winemaking, local agriculture, etc.

Even though you cover all the social media platforms, you still might be missing out on some of your potential customers. There are people who don’t use social media, and these people might be using podcasts. This is an opportunity to ensure that you reach such customers of yours.

Reach Right Audience

One of the biggest challenges of social media ads is to target the right audience. Thankfully, podcasts don’t have to deal with such a problem. Podcasts are usually organized based on specific categories and thus it is easier for a person to find products that sync with their needs, thoughts, or interests.

Reaching your right audience is much easier since you can target them based on their interest in learning more about or discussing product categories that you offer. You can advertise for your product targeting this audience. 

Remember, you can offer them your product only if they are actually inclined to the kind of product you sell. You won’t be able to sell if they are not interested to buy it.

Gain Trust & Loyalty

Trust and loyalty towards your brand almost does all the job for you. It is easier to make people buy from you once you have their trust and loyalty. They don’t need to think twice or check upon other brands if they need a product that you offer. 

Coming to podcasts, podcasts generally tend to bring in a more personal and intimate element compared to a reading or visual material. The voice modulation in podcasts can easily influence people’s minds. For example, if someone excitedly tells about a product/service and its benefits, it would grab your attention instantly.

A podcast series usually works when its audience anticipates its next part to release. Since each part instils a sense of encouragement to come back for the next one, it builds loyalty.

Complements your other marketing initiatives

You certainly would be marketing on various social platforms for your business. You can use Podcasts as a medium to promote the content put on other social platforms. When listeners get to know about your product, they can be directed to your website for more information, thereby increasing your website traffic. You may quote the posts that you shared recently on your blog, or drive them to your various social media platforms where they can ask questions directly to your team. You can build your email list as well with the help of podcasts. 


Podcasts don’t demand much from a listener since passive listening is enough from the audience’s part. It offers convenience, promptness, and easy accessibility to its listeners making it an effective digital marketing strategy.

If you’re doing a podcast advertisement, you need to find podcasts that share a commonality with your product or service so that your ad has the most impact. Understand the different variations of ad formats (pre-roll, mid-roll, outro, and native ad), and decide what suits your brand, product, or business. 

Most people access content through their mobile phones, and podcasts are one of the best formats of providing content for mobile audiences since it’s convenient for people to listen to it anywhere. 

Pay attention to the show’s listener demographics, the purpose, and theme of the show along with the topic of the episode before you start podcasting.

It is important to understand that different listeners perceive the content/information in different ways. And it is in your part to create content that is comfortable for all your audience.

All it requires is to put a little bit of effort and time to create engaging podcast content appealing to your audience. If you haven’t included podcasts in your digital marketing initiatives yet, do not worry, it’s still not too late to try them out!

If you need assistance from a professional, do not worry, we’ve got you covered. Connect with our expert team and boost your digital marketing initiatives.

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