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_Branding Solutions

Branding Your Business and Making
Your Branding Journey Smooth

A brand is not built in a day. It takes many sleepless nights and complex decisions to create the brand that completely embodies the essence of your company. This is why you need a trusted digital agency which assists you in perfecting the nitty-gritty of making your brand.

At Vividreal Solutions, we combine strategy, design, copy, advertising and research into creative branding solutions. We take inspiration from your ideas and needs to create accessible yet memorable brand stories tailored for your business. As a full-suite branding service, we ensure that you are guided by experts from the starting line to the finish line. We are the one-stop solution for all your branding needs.


We make conceptualising your brand a breeze. May it be a new venture or an existing business, we will help you come up with the perfect branding strategy that will reflect your vision and your corporate identity.


Bring your ideas to life with our wide range of services from logo design and product branding to design guidelines. We help you cultivate a unique identity for your brand that connects with your customers.


Being top-class digital marketers, we ensure that your brand gets promoted in the most innovative ways possible. Our multi-faceted approach makes sure your brand reaches a larger audience and thus maximises your conversions.

Know the Branding

In today's competitive marketplace, branding is more than just a logo or a catchy slogan. It's the essence of how your company is perceived by customers, the values it stands for, and the emotional connection it creates. Understanding the different facets of branding is crucial for building a strong, recognizable, and lasting presence in the market.

Brand Identity

Brand identity is the collection of all brand elements that a company creates to portray the right image to its consumer. This includes everything from the company name, logo, and tagline to the colors, fonts, and overall design language. A strong brand identity makes your business instantly recognizable and helps establish a consistent look and feel across all marketing materials. It sets the tone for how your customers will perceive your brand and differentiates you from competitors.

Brand Image

Brand image is the perception of your brand in the minds of consumers. It’s how people actually see and experience your brand through interactions, whether online or in person. This image is shaped by customer experiences, reviews, social media presence, and word-of-mouth. A positive brand image can lead to customer loyalty and advocacy, while a negative image can harm your reputation and bottom line. It’s essential to actively manage and nurture your brand image to align it with your brand identity.

Brand Culture

Brand culture encompasses the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define your company and its employees. It’s the internal compass that guides how your team interacts with each other and with customers. A strong brand culture fosters a sense of belonging and pride among employees, which in turn is reflected in their work and customer interactions. When your brand culture aligns with your brand identity and image, it creates a cohesive and authentic brand experience that resonates with both employees and customers.

Brand Personality

Brand personality refers to the human characteristics and traits attributed to your brand. Just like people, brands can be friendly, sophisticated, adventurous, or any number of other personality types. Defining your brand personality helps you connect with your target audience on an emotional level, making your brand more relatable and memorable. It influences the tone of your communications, the style of your marketing campaigns, and even the type of products or services you offer. A well-defined brand personality can differentiate your brand in a crowded marketplace and build deeper relationships with your customers.

How Do We
Actually Process?

Our brand-building process is meticulously thorough. We begin by deeply understanding project requirements through comprehensive questionnaires. Analyzing the results, we craft a strategic roadmap that spans stages like project understanding, objective setting, meticulous planning, thoughtful design, precise development, and finally, a successful launch. Our commitment to excellence ensures that every brand we create is not just memorable but also delivers exceptional results. Trust us to transform your vision into a compelling brand identity!

In this crucial initial phase, we dive deep into your project’s requirements. We gather insights through questionnaires, interviews, and discussions. Our goal is to comprehend your brand’s essence, target audience, and unique selling points. This understanding forms the foundation for the entire process.

With a clear understanding of your project, we define specific objectives. What do you want your brand to achieve? Whether it’s increased visibility, customer engagement, or market expansion, we set measurable goals. These objectives guide our strategic decisions throughout the branding journey.

Planning is where strategy takes shape. We create a roadmap that outlines milestones, timelines, and resources. From brand positioning to messaging, we meticulously plan each aspect. Our team collaborates to ensure alignment with your vision and business goals.

The design phase brings your brand to life visually. We craft logos, color palettes, typography, style guide and other visual elements. Our designers blend creativity with purpose, ensuring that your brand identity resonates with your audience. Consistency across all touchpoints is key.

Here, we build tangible assets. Websites, marketing collateral, social media profiles—everything you need! Our developers and content creators work hand in hand. We code, write, and create content that reflects your brand’s personality and values.

The grand finale! We unveil your brand to the world. Whether it’s a website launch, a product release, or a rebranding campaign, we orchestrate a memorable introduction. Our goal is to make an impact, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

Our Results
Speak for

A UNEP Project
G20 Global Land Initiative
Wonder Paws
Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace – WPS-ASEAN
Greenstorm Global Photography Festival
Dollar Curl Club
Recovery Through Repetition